
Rochester Twilight Crit

We traveled all over New York in the last few days. started in Saratoga Springs at Serotta, drove to Rochester and just in time for a function at the Kodak building downtown. Kodak basically employs the entire city, and their factories are massive. Met many kind people who were happy to have us in upstate NY, and then went out on a tour of the countryside with a Kodak group ride. we rolled up to the meenting point and the parking lot was packed, i was surprised by the great turnout and enthusiasm of the group. It was blazingly hot and so several riders took the short cut unbeknownst to us, and we were left waiting for the phantom group to show up. at least we waited in the shade.

waited all day sat. for the start of the crit at 8:30 pm, and it was good too because it was ripping hot and i never left the room, just watched three movies and read a book. and slept.

the races went okay, kinda slow the first hour with a few dummy attacks, and then a split of 12 went including me, Dom and Dan and then it was live and we took a lap. from 5 to go we were on the front and i was rolling hard trying to set up dan, my own result out the window. dumped off Dan and Hayden with half a lap to go, coasted around the rest of the course and finished 12th. Dan ended up 5th, but i don't thing i could have done a thing more for him, and the end just goes how it goes. I think we put on a good show for Rochester, and there were MANY spectators cheering for Kodak and Easy Share.

we finished at 11:00 then it took us an hour to get coordinated and then a ride over to the good spot which was hopping on a sat night only to find out the kitchen is closed and there's no way i'm going to be able to survive "drinking my dinner" as a few people suggested, so i found a spot with a good Falafel mowed that down and then hit up a cab back to the hotel for some much needed sleep.


TT Natz, Tour de Nez, Nevada City, and forward from here

A nice morning in SLC, woke up on my own schedule (I slept in) and enjoyed
my coffee. I'm staying at the Fogarty's again, always a pleasure. Mike and
Krista have been so kind to me whenever I come, and it's been awesome
hanging out with the kids, Ryan and Megan are well behaved and pleasant to
be with.

I've been feeling strong and well in the last few weeks, no major hiccups.
I've felt open and able to push hard, my training data points to great form,
and you always expect a post-Philly openness. So when I put a number on my
back why the hell can't I race good? I've felt like I can go, but then
someone else just slams me and I can't recover. Is everyone else just way
better then me at the moment? Is it the altitude? IDK, but I got to start
racing well soon...

Tour de Nez: I suffered uncontrollably, and it was no fun. I dropped out of
the crit Thursday, just got ridden off. I felt much better Friday, but
couldn't go with the CO climbers at 8000 feet (no surprise there). Sat I
felt better yet, but this just meant I didn't get dropped. At least I could
do a little defending for Glen and Pete up the road.

Nevada City: What can I say? I was the go to guy for the team, everyone else
was hurting or sick, we started with five and only with three really able to
race the race. Pete and Tim hung especially tough, as they had problems. I
made the front group but had a bit of asthma in doing so and just suffered
around the course not really being able to go with any accelerations. I did
what I could and ended up last out of the group.

TT Natz: I think I'm a reasonably good TT rider, no specialist like Baldwin,
but I felt I had a good chance of repeating a top ten like last year and
maybe even going top five if I went well. No dice, I rode 46 KPH average
and still got beat by three minutes. I guess I'm missing a gear in every
section, I felt like I got a good rhythm but it was a slow one. I think I
didn't have the power to spin the higher cadences I needed, as the gearing
was good. It's one of those things where you think afterwards "what

Moving on: I'm flying out this morning to NY and the Serotta factory, then
a twilight Crit in Rochester NY the home of Kodak. Fitchburg, Cascade,
Stupid week, 'Toona...


TT nationals

I've been racing all week at altitude in reno, tahoe and nevada city, and am
now in salt lake city for TT nationals tomorrow. I'll let you know how it


My Kodak Gallery from Wachovia Week

My Kodak Gallery from Wachovia Week is up and can be found here and also in the sidebar. I will have ongoing/unfinished/current photos in that link, it will be the easiest way for you to see my latest photos.


what a strange race. A split of 45 go off on the first lap, with three of us in it, but that's not to a few team's liking so it comes back. then, a split of 50(!) goes the next lap and somehow that's cool with everyone and they gain 7 minutes. all we can do is wait for the reaction of CSC and Lotto, as Bobby and Fred have missed the move of the day, they get it back to under two minutes, but i think they were impatient as the 9th time up the wall it went hard but only got rid of the workers and the gap goes back out as the hitters look at each other.

10th time i was hurting but knew it was go time so i just left it in the big ring and said to myself "if you have it, you're going to need to push this up the hill this time." sure enough, it was live and Freddy went from the bottom, caused a split of five with Glen in it, but the tactics still made it negative and it all came back. I was in the hurt shack on the small circuits and couldn't follow when Freddy finally went across on lemon hill, not for lack of trying it's just a matter of 150 miles already ridden getting the better of me.

Yeah I'm bummed as i wanted to get a better result, but i've never raced Philly in the heat before and the race was so different from the previous few times i've been there. chalk this one up in the experience collumn.



i woke up with a crook stomach as the kiwis would say, and i knew it wouldn't bode well for riding this 92 miles in three hours. i went out early, stayed out for almost two laps, but felt like i was pushing through concrete and my tummy was tightening with each pull. as soon as we were caught i went straight out the back, to the feed zone and almost hurled. all in all, not a good day. Mitchell made the counter-move that went all day, but it was too big with too much baggage. HNPBM did their work with some protour help, brought back a MOTORING Bobby and Mark train, and won. like their heads need to get any bigger.

I got in the team car for the last three laps, which might not have been a good idea (imagine taking every corner with tires squealing when you already feel queasy). i got a better view of the race surroundings this way, though, as most races look the same to me by this time in the year: one rider right in front of me and i'm holding his wheel at 55 kph. I got to see this Kenny G looking dude that Tim the Mechanic had been heckling for a few laps, and i guess he wanted to take it up a level so he tossed his cup of wine cooler into the team car, dousing Tim and making the leather-clad Audi smell like an alley. I guess he deserved it though. good fun in the caravan.




I had a hard time at Lancaster last year, so I was a bit hesitant for this
race. The course is good for me, I just need to not run it too hot, take my
time at it and be there when it matters. Well, that didn't happen, the
break went when I was caught behind a crash and catching back on. Damn. I
felt good up to that point, and finished the race strong , hit it hard the
last lap to see if anyone wanted to still race. Nothing doing, and I didn't
want to eat it in the sprint for 27th place, so I sat up. The legs are
good, Tim's back, Mitchell's good as always, so I think we're on track for a
showing at Philly. It's important to keep the goal in sight and not cook it
early, these races are big by any other measure but they pale compared to
the champs.

Cheers, BJM