

i woke up with a crook stomach as the kiwis would say, and i knew it wouldn't bode well for riding this 92 miles in three hours. i went out early, stayed out for almost two laps, but felt like i was pushing through concrete and my tummy was tightening with each pull. as soon as we were caught i went straight out the back, to the feed zone and almost hurled. all in all, not a good day. Mitchell made the counter-move that went all day, but it was too big with too much baggage. HNPBM did their work with some protour help, brought back a MOTORING Bobby and Mark train, and won. like their heads need to get any bigger.

I got in the team car for the last three laps, which might not have been a good idea (imagine taking every corner with tires squealing when you already feel queasy). i got a better view of the race surroundings this way, though, as most races look the same to me by this time in the year: one rider right in front of me and i'm holding his wheel at 55 kph. I got to see this Kenny G looking dude that Tim the Mechanic had been heckling for a few laps, and i guess he wanted to take it up a level so he tossed his cup of wine cooler into the team car, dousing Tim and making the leather-clad Audi smell like an alley. I guess he deserved it though. good fun in the caravan.


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