

So I went to see Josie yesterday, we basically hung around the house, napped, walked two blocks down to the store to get soft squishy food, and...that's it. That was the day. I fetched ice packs and made sure Josie wasn't doing too much (when I arrived she was cleaning the house), and basically I knew my job was to be rev limiter and it'd be boring. But we got to chatting and the time passed quickly. Oh, and andy in a fit of compassion bought a new couch for josie to convalesce on (and maybe him when he's been riding too much?) and so that was delivered. But we didn't have to carry it or anything.

Anyway, josie's doing well, isn't particularly looking forward to surgery tomorrow, but her overall attitude is good and she knows in the long run she'll be fine, which speaking from experience is one of the best thoughts you can have running through your head when your hurt.


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