
A great vacation

We've had a wonderful time in Mexico, and are now back in San Jose. La Ventana, the little town we were in, was a blast and we met some really cool people. I took some kite board lessons from New Wind, I'm not very good yet but had fun, and then we did a bit more relaxing and touristing once Andy and Josie came into town. They were all going hard for final prep for cx natz, but they mellowed out a bit. Nothing like all day at the beach and waking up to roosters every morning to get you in a different mindset. i did get in a few hard rides with them, including a 5.5 hour mtb marathon complete with "longcut" through the desert.

I'm very relaxed though and looking forward to getting together with the team soon, I'm keeping most of the same teammates and a few new ones who will be great additions, I think. I didn't let my guard down too much and more simplified my day and diet, I excercised when needed and relaxed when needed. I actually lost weight during the two weeks, a welcome surprise.

Anyway view some pics here and let me know what you think. Cheers, BJM


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