
Toona's almost up

Finally, a lazy morning where we can sleep as long as possible, have a
leisurely breakfast, and race in the afternoon. Oh yeah, the town of
Hollidaysburg where we are staying felt it necessary to fire up the AIR RAID
SIREN not once but twice in the middle of the night, I assume for the
volunteer fire department as the bombers never showed up. And this being
Sunday, every church bell in the area was clanging at 8 am to beckon the
faithful, so I guess my morning of slumber didn't turn our as well as I had
hoped, but the extra rest is always welcome.

The queen stage yesterday was a bit of a death march, my legs were not good
on the hills and I felt like I was going to get dropped several times. As
soon as I get my heart rate down, though, the power comes back and I can go
with moves and actually finished third in the bunch kick and so got the team
a little money. At least I caould do something, I was afraid I was going to
suffer all day and then get completely waxed at the line.

Just a 30 mile crit today, but it's going to be live, a battle royal for
overall GC as well as the 6 guys in for the sprint jersey.

Sorry there's no pics this trip, my camera is in the shop as the shutter
button fell off inexplicably. Maybe by downers grove I'll have something


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